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/* source/rnd.c: random number generator
Copyright (c) 1989-91 James E. Wilson
This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and
not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are
included in all such copies. */
#include "config.h"
#include "constant.h"
#include "types.h"
/* Define this to compile as a standalone test */
/* #define TEST_RNG */
/* This alg uses a prime modulus multiplicative congruential generator
(PMMLCG), also known as a Lehmer Grammer, which satisfies the following
(i) modulus: m - a large prime integer
(ii) multiplier: a - an integer in the range 2, 3, ..., m - 1
(iii) z[n+1] = f(z[n]), for n = 1, 2, ...
(iv) f(z) = az mod m
(v) u[n] = z[n] / m, for n = 1, 2, ...
The sequence of z's must be initialized by choosing an initial seed
z[1] from the range 1, 2, ..., m - 1. The sequence of z's is a pseudo-
random sequence drawn without replacement from the set 1, 2, ..., m - 1.
The u's form a psuedo-random sequence of real numbers between (but not
including) 0 and 1.
Schrage's method is used to compute the sequence of z's.
Let m = aq + r, where q = m div a, and r = m mod a.
Then f(z) = az mod m = az - m * (az div m) =
= gamma(z) + m * delta(z)
Where gamma(z) = a(z mod q) - r(z div q)
and delta(z) = (z div q) - (az div m)
If r < q, then for all z in 1, 2, ..., m - 1:
(1) delta(z) is either 0 or 1
(2) both a(z mod q) and r(z div q) are in 0, 1, ..., m - 1
(3) absolute value of gamma(z) <= m - 1
(4) delta(z) = 1 iff gamma(z) < 0
Hence each value of z can be computed exactly without overflow as long
as m can be represented as an integer.
/* a good random number generator, correct on any machine with 32 bit
integers, this algorithm is from:
Stephen K. Park and Keith W. Miller, "Random Number Generators:
Good ones are hard to find", Communications of the ACM, October 1988,
vol 31, number 10, pp. 1192-1201.
If this algorithm is implemented correctly, then if z[1] = 1, then
z[10001] will equal 1043618065
Has a full period of 2^31 - 1.
Returns integers in the range 1 to 2^31-1.
#define RNG_M 2147483647L /* m = 2^31 - 1 */
#define RNG_A 16807L
#define RNG_Q 127773L /* m div a */
#define RNG_R 2836L /* m mod a */
/* 32 bit seed */
static int32u rnd_seed;
int32u get_rnd_seed ()
return rnd_seed;
void set_rnd_seed (seedval)
int32u seedval;
/* set seed to value between 1 and m-1 */
rnd_seed = (seedval % (RNG_M - 1)) + 1;
/* returns a pseudo-random number from set 1, 2, ..., RNG_M - 1 */
int32 rnd ()
register long low, high, test;
high = rnd_seed / RNG_Q;
low = rnd_seed % RNG_Q;
test = RNG_A * low - RNG_R * high;
if (test > 0)
rnd_seed = test;
rnd_seed = test + RNG_M;
return rnd_seed;
#ifdef TEST_RNG
main ()
long i, random;
set_rnd_seed (0L);
for (i = 1; i < 10000; i++)
(void) rnd ();
random = rnd ();
printf ("z[10001] = %ld, should be 1043618065\n", random);
if (random == 1043618065L)
printf ("success!!!\n");